2,100 Victorian Monograms (Lettering, Calligraphy, Typography) Download Pdf !!LINK!!

29/11 0 By bronell

2,100 Victorian Monograms (Lettering, Calligraphy, Typography) Download Pdf !!LINK!!

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2,100 Victorian Monograms (Lettering, Calligraphy, Typography) Download Pdf

bergling was also an authority on the subject of typography. indeed, he is credited with producing the first book devoted to the subject of type design. his typographic design is an invaluable resource for designers, educators, and anyone interested in the history of lettering.

bergling also experimented with pen-on-paper, pen-and-ink, block printing, and other forms of color printing. he published a number of monograms, book covers, and calendars. a few of his monograms are reproduced below. the most famous of these monograms is the bergling’s monogram, or bertie, a whimsical, looping cursive script that immediately identifies the designer.

bergling’s monograms are all charming and memorable. each is a single line of basic type. the cursive script is mostly done in a strong, dark, blue-black ink. some of the monograms are dark, and some are lighter. a few of the monograms feature a strong red or dark red “r” for the “i” and “r.”

the purpose of this blog is to provide tips, tricks, hacks, and other assorted gubbins that i have found to be useful for my own work. you will see that it contains some funny things as well as some useful things. the topics include:
linux programming, some unix (unix, nix, solaris, sco and others)
windows programming, and some vb
games programming, including some on the amiga
a little about html and css
a lot about programming, compilers and other technology
some not-so-secret things about me

if you think that you can help, either edit an article or start a new one, or send me an email. anyone can write about anything that they know about, and i will make sure that it is made available to other people. all that is required is that you have something to say, and that you have said it to yourself (in your own head) before.

as to the stuff that is my own.. there is a bit of a rumour (and not a very nice one) that i have written a book about the goings on in the flat that i live in. nothing could be further from the truth. i am not a writer, and i do not have a book, published or otherwise, about my flat. the only thing that i have written is this blog, and i would rather spend my time writing for you, than writing about me. if you want to read about me, and not anything else, please visit my weblog. the only reason i have even mentioned it here is because it ties in with some of the things that i write about.






