OpenX For MS SQL Server Crack Free [32|64bit]

09/12 0 By bronell

OpenX component is a set of high-performance software interfaces for data access that provides universal data integration over an enterprise’s network.
If you’re building database driven desktop application or web site, you can use its power to programmatically access and manipulate data by writing only few strings of code.
Its application-level database-programming interface allows enterprise programmers to write applications from any OLE-compliant language, including C#, C/C++, JScript, Java, Visual Basic, and VBScript.
OpenX is the fastest way to interact with RDBMS, because it makes direct calls to vendor’s native database APIs, thus eliminating need in all possible intermediate layers such as ODBC/ADO. It’s designed and optimized to achieve maximum performance under heavy load.
Thinking of upgrading your RDBMS?
Moving to another RDBMS vendor?
OpenX protects your investment by supporting all major database vendors on the most popular operating systems.
OpenX is a tool that works with SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, InterBase, Centura SQLBase, MySQL, and ODBC.
OpenX is the fastest way to connect to RDBMS, because it makes direct calls to vendor’s native database APIs, thus eliminating need in all possible intermediate layers such as ODBC/OLEDB.
Here are some key features of “OpenX for Sybase ASE ASA”:
· Cursor emulation and memory conservation – While emulating cursors, OpenX doesn’t saves result sets in it’s memory buffer. It fetches row by row from SQL server’s memory buffers instead. This technique is highly optimized, and aimed to scroll read-only records in a forward-only manner. Such method saves memory on machine where OpenX’s instance was created.
· Connection behavior – One of important OpenX features is protected connection. OpenX won’t crash or raise ASP error if network or SQL server problem occurs. Also, it may happen if somebody kills OpenX process on SQL server. ErrorCode will return “-9999999” in that case. Executing Disconnect() and after that Connect(), will return OpenX to normal state.
· isEmpty property behavior – Calling isEmpty after Execute() has the side effect of moving the cursor to the first row of the result set (if any).
We recommend using “do … while ( MoveNext() )” in that case.
· Processing HTML Forms and Uploading Files (OpenX ASP Edition only) – This feature of OpenX greatly simplifies HTML Form processing and File uploading procedures. Only few strings of code needed to validate posted HTML Form and save its data into the database. If this form includes one or more tags, the files will be received by OpenX and stored onto server’s hard drive or saved right into the database. Only one submit button is required for a form containing any combination of HTML form elements plus the upload file elements.
OpenX provides all the functionalty of standard File uploading components: it will show the type of file, its extention and size, aggregate amount of bytes transferred during given upload session, and will allow you controlling the ‘overwrite’ switch and the size of uploads.
OpenX will validate posted HTML forms, ensure that all mandatory fields are filled properly, and even check the validity of email addresses and credit card numbers.
· Pentium Processor based system (Pentium III 500MHz or higher recommended)
· 128Mb RAM (256 or more recommended) [dllhost.exe running OpenX2 component consumes about 2-7Mb of RAM while idle. One thousand concurrent idle OpenX instances will consume about 14Mb of RAM. These values may vary when OpenX is not idle.]
· Windows NT 4.0 SP6 or Windows 2000 SP1/SP2.
· Microsoft IIS 4 or 5 for OpenX ASP Edition
· demo with result set limited to 5 rows of data







OpenX For MS SQL Server Crack Download [Latest] 2022

OpenX for Microsoft SQL Server is a set of high-performance software interfaces for data access. It provides a universal data integration solution for desktop application and web site. You can programmatically access and manipulate data through all of Microsoft’s database products. It is especially good for all sorts of applications that work with database, such as data entry forms, command shell, batch processing, and desktop tools.
OpenX for SQL Server was developed using Microsoft’s product innovation philosophy. Its development started in June 1999 at Microsoft’s Information Technology Labs. It is delivered to the broad audience of database programmers who want to speed up data access and save development resources.
Here are some key features of “OpenX for SQL Server ASA”:
· OpenX for SQL Server supports most of the SQL Server 2000/2005 products, including:
· Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 (SMO – Transact SQL, CLR, C/C++, or PLSQL)
· SQL Server Express Edition 2000/2005 (CLR)
· SQL Server Data Tools (CLR)
· SQL Server Reporting Services (CLR)
· SQL Server Analysis Services (CLR)
· SQL Server Integration Services (CLR)
· SQL Server Integration Services Project (CLR)
· SQL Server Reporting Services Project (CLR)
· SQL Server Reporting Services (CLR)
· SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and above (CLR)
· SQL Server ODBC (for Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005)
· SQL Server Linked Server and linked server objects (CLR)
· SQL Server 2000/2005 works with SQL Server 2000/2005
· OpenX for SQL Server utilizes all of vendor’s native interfaces.
· Developer can use OLE DB 2.0 or ADO.NET for data access. OLE DB 2.0 is the default for all native interfaces.
· Native interfaces are not only powerful, they are also flexible. Using native interfaces, you can access any database product with a common data access interface. Data access interfaces are different from each other, but they all are accessed by the same programming code.
· If you use SQL Server 2000/2005, you can use SQL Server 2000/2005 native interfaces directly. You don’t need use ODBC for data access.
· If you use SQL Server 2000/2005 and ODBC, you can use ODBC native interfaces directly. You don’t need use SQL Server 2000/2005 native interfaces.
· You can install all

OpenX For MS SQL Server Crack + License Keygen

Registers a name of a macro. Macros allow you to write code that performs frequently used tasks in some kind of code.
macroID – name of the macro (null or empty string means no macro)
To create a new macro:
To define a macro with the same name as a macro already registered:
To update a macro:
To delete a macro:
To clear all macros:
– result code of macro operation
Create a macro:
openX.Macro(null); // this will clear all macros
Create a macro with an ID:
Create a macro with a specified macroID:
openX.Macro(null, “Identifier”);
Delete a macro with a macroID:
Delete a macro:
Iterate through all macros:
int i;
foreach(i, openX.Macro(null))
This code will list all macros and the macro IDs into the code.
OpenX Browser Management:
This section describes the features of OpenX Browser Management component.
Create a new OpenX Browser:
openX.Browser(“Description”, “URL”);
URL – URL of the OpenX Browser
Description – Description of the browser. If null or empty string will be used for default description (description of browser will be browser name).
To enable or disable a browser:
openX.Browser(“Name”, null);
To add browser options:
openX.Browser(“Name”, “Description”, “Option”);
Option – Options of the browser
To remove a browser:
To get a browser’s description:
To get a browser’s URL:
openX.Browser(“Name”, null);
To get all browsers:
To get all options of a browser:
To set options of a browser:
openX.Browser(“Name”, “Description”, “Option”);

OpenX For MS SQL Server Activation Key

OpenX is a very high-performance data access library with a strong focus on scalability and portability. While data-access programmers use it for typical database access, it can be used for many other purposes as well.
For example, OpenX can be used to quickly populate application’s forms with data from virtually any vendor’s database. Or to provide a centralized data repository that can be used by applications from all the other components in your network. Or to provide you with an interface for connection to both proprietary and open databases.
The following examples illustrate some typical uses for OpenX:
* Data-bound form for easy-to-use data entry into a database.
* Web-based query builder for selecting, updating, and deleting database records.
* Web-based desktop application for secure file transfers from one computer to another.
* Interface for connection to remote databases (XML-based, ADO, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET) via simple configuration and use of vendor’s native API.
* Client-side database that stores data securely on the client’s hard drive.
The following sample configuration illustrates how easy it is to use OpenX.

openx on

What’s New In?

· OpenX component is a set of high-performance software interfaces for data access that provides universal data integration over an enterprise’s network.
If you’re building database driven desktop application or web site, you can use its power to programmatically access and manipulate data by writing only few strings of code.
Its application-level database-programming interface allows enterprise programmers to write applications from any OLE-compliant language, including C#, C/C++, JScript, Java, Visual Basic, and VBScript.
OpenX is the fastest way to interact with RDBMS, because it makes direct calls to vendor’s native database APIs, thus eliminating need in all possible intermediate layers such as ODBC/ADO. It’s designed and optimized to achieve maximum performance under heavy load.
Thinking of upgrading your RDBMS?
Moving to another RDBMS vendor?
OpenX protects your investment by supporting all major database vendors on the most popular operating systems.
OpenX is a tool that works with SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, InterBase, Centura SQLBase, MySQL, and ODBC.
OpenX is the fastest way to connect to RDBMS, because it makes direct calls to vendor’s native database APIs, thus eliminating need in all possible intermediate layers such as ODBC/OLEDB.
Here are some key features of “OpenX for Sybase ASA”:
· Cursor emulation and memory conservation – While emulating cursors, OpenX doesn’t saves result sets in it’s memory buffer. It fetches row by row from SQL server’s memory buffers instead. This technique is highly optimized, and aimed to scroll read-only records in a forward-only manner. Such method saves memory on machine where OpenX’s instance was created.
· Connection behavior – One of important OpenX features is protected connection. OpenX won’t crash or raise ASP error if network or SQL server problem occurs. Also, it may happen if somebody kills OpenX process on SQL server. ErrorCode will return “-9999999” in that case. Executing Disconnect() and after that Connect(), will return OpenX to normal state.
· isEmpty property behavior – Calling isEmpty after Execute() has the side effect of moving the cursor to the first row of the result set (if any).
We recommend using “do… while ( MoveNext() )” in that case.
· Processing HTML Forms and Uploading Files (OpenX ASP Edition only) – This feature of OpenX greatly simplifies HTML Form processing and File uploading procedures. Only few strings of code needed to validate posted HTML Form and save its data into the database. If this form includes one or more tags, the files will be received by OpenX and stored onto server’s hard drive or saved right into the database.

System Requirements For OpenX For MS SQL Server:

Supported OS: Windows 7
CPU: Any CPU processor
RAM: 2GB or more (4GB or more recommended)
Free Disk Space: 2GB or more
Mouse: Any USB mouse
Keyboard: Any keyboard with at least one function key (F1-F12)
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